Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Intentional Zeal- Book Drafting and creating

Intentional Zeal...
Or Zealous Intention... learning from Jesus

Outlines of Chapters and the heart in each Chapter

Why intentional Zeal?
Story of Chase Coffer and the Malasadas. "I don't wan't to do a discipleship training school with a bunch of young dumb zealous people. can you tell me about your school" and what he told me changed my life. he talked about how he didn't just work with the crew of people he was leading the school with. Chase told me it would be the best school that has ever happened, he told me about the family like atmosphere

Surprising my parents at Christmas Chapter
Why- God loves to Surprise us, When we live out the belief that God is relational, surprises for our good are just part of the experience. God is Family. imperfection of my family

Gamps Fjeld
Why- write about the mystery of why my grandpa Fjeld hated what I was doing, and how the intend to go down to visit him not to fight with when but to fight for him and fight for his life. LOVE WON, Jesus Got Sual/Paul, I got my Grandpa. "got em" a phrase my friends and I use when we see that Jesus is really having fun reavealing his love to them. When people get encountered by God
What needs to be kept: the letter and the lesson of Love wins.

Here's Gramps Fjelds letter, with a few choice words left out
(See ipad note to confim the letter)
"Dear Son,
Apprecitate the phone call. Still la little bit concerned about your trip to South Sudan. Going into one of the worlds most dangerous place to do a job that doesn't pay any money is just plain student. If you've seen the movie black hawk down, you know that even when the government sends its own military into harms way, they are left out there for dead. That guy sitting in the chief and commander chair is a good for nothing schemer born in Kenya. If Reagan were in charge things would be different. Anyways, you know that old tired saying "been there, done that", well... "been there died there seems more like it" if you drag your "Self" to South Sudan. I wont be surprized when next time I turn on CNN and I see you being carried out of some building in a body bag. going over to to work with women in the worlds oldest profession, whoresm.