Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Intentional Zeal- Book Drafting and creating

Intentional Zeal...
Or Zealous Intention... learning from Jesus

Outlines of Chapters and the heart in each Chapter

Why intentional Zeal?
Story of Chase Coffer and the Malasadas. "I don't wan't to do a discipleship training school with a bunch of young dumb zealous people. can you tell me about your school" and what he told me changed my life. he talked about how he didn't just work with the crew of people he was leading the school with. Chase told me it would be the best school that has ever happened, he told me about the family like atmosphere

Surprising my parents at Christmas Chapter
Why- God loves to Surprise us, When we live out the belief that God is relational, surprises for our good are just part of the experience. God is Family. imperfection of my family

Gamps Fjeld
Why- write about the mystery of why my grandpa Fjeld hated what I was doing, and how the intend to go down to visit him not to fight with when but to fight for him and fight for his life. LOVE WON, Jesus Got Sual/Paul, I got my Grandpa. "got em" a phrase my friends and I use when we see that Jesus is really having fun reavealing his love to them. When people get encountered by God
What needs to be kept: the letter and the lesson of Love wins.

Here's Gramps Fjelds letter, with a few choice words left out
(See ipad note to confim the letter)
"Dear Son,
Apprecitate the phone call. Still la little bit concerned about your trip to South Sudan. Going into one of the worlds most dangerous place to do a job that doesn't pay any money is just plain student. If you've seen the movie black hawk down, you know that even when the government sends its own military into harms way, they are left out there for dead. That guy sitting in the chief and commander chair is a good for nothing schemer born in Kenya. If Reagan were in charge things would be different. Anyways, you know that old tired saying "been there, done that", well... "been there died there seems more like it" if you drag your "Self" to South Sudan. I wont be surprized when next time I turn on CNN and I see you being carried out of some building in a body bag. going over to to work with women in the worlds oldest profession, whoresm.

Kevin Chapter-
why would I include this:
romans 8: 28
Genesis 50: 20
What did Kevin teach me?
Kevin was healed?
 Iwesn't perfect around Kevin , we would fight, He told me not to treat him like a gimp, so I was tough on him, didn't help him when he fell down, didn't help him get around when we was limping, and
Confistated him Moped.

 This book is dedicated to Dan Baumann. He has shown me that life is about making friends. He has shown me that it's not our failures or speed bumps that shape us, its our response afterwards that shows the character and nature of who we are. He's shown me that discipleship happens with humble and intentional people who have a passion inside of them that's contagious and comes in

The appendix//
The Surprize
Gramps Fjeld

My Dad's Sandals

One time a group of friends and I ended up in the middle of the mountains of Romania. We were volunteering at a camp that brings in gypsy children and shares the gospel with them. Andy was the largest in our group, standing tall with his shaved bald head and bulky body, he  expelled the essence of a tough guy. One night Andy came to me and said he had a tummy ache. Looking up into Andy's green eyes I saw that he was in pain. But he was so big and buff, to me he looked invincible. I told him to suck it up and take some pepto pink stuff. At around 4 am I hear Andy rummaging around the bathroom with these painful aching noises. I thought, no way! has he been up all night? Our buddy Ryan was also with us and ended up praying and asking God, "what  the heck is going on?" Ryan felt like God was saying Andy had something wrong with his appendix. So, right there in the middle of the Romanian mountains, We threw Andy in a a little white truck. Grandpa Buna, who spoke only Romanian got in the drive seat. Off we went down the bumpiest, wettest roads ever. Buna was cruising faster than anyone had ever gone down that road and hitting every bump on the way while muttering some real inquisitive unknown words.  Andy was in major pain. After a few hours of Grandpa Buna going to war down this road, Andy ended up at the hospital. They have him a hospital nightie and some foam rubber sandals. He followed the hospital staff down to a room. He was in a room with 8 other guys and one of them was having surgery right in the middle of the room, They brought in this glass bottle,  it was the IV drip and preformed the surgery and took out Andy's appendix. Andy's Surgery wasn't the safest but it may have been the cheapest appendix removal I have ever heard of. Plus he got free sandals.
We finished out the week strong at the camp, surgery with prepare the grounds with prayer and service for the children about to encounter Jesus at the camp. As we were packing I noticed Andy was going to throw away his hospital Sandals. I'm a sucker for free stuff and definitely prevented those puppies from going in the garbage. There was just one problem, they were too big. So I did some thinking and came up with the perfect plan! I planned on giving them to my Dad as a gift! It must have been a God inspired thought because my dad wears those foam rubber sandals every chance he can get!
Every time I visit my parents and see my dad wearing his favorite house slippers It's a reminder to me that God has all the answers. All we need to do is ask. Ryan didn't know what the heck was going on. He just prayed and asked God, and God answered him with what we needed. God knew I was going to assume Andy just needed to suck it up and knew Ryan would go out and ask God. God intends on showing us what we need to know. It's beautiful knowing all we have to do is ask for it.

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